5 benefits that make us realize the importance of trees in our life

5 benefits that make us realize the importance of trees in our life

Burning trees and making space for human residence, cutting them down and replacing them with smoky, fuzzy factories have never made us realize about the fact that we are not cutting down these trees but indeed, our source of survival. We are not burning them down but indeed, the air we breathe in. We, human beings, have never realized the importance of these green creatures on earth that gratify us abundantly.

Importance of trees in our life

Stressing upon the importance of trees in our life and the aids we attain from these green benefactors, let us imagine a rainfall view at two different areas, one surrounded by a lot of green trees and the other consisting of various buildings and smoldering industries. How would the two areas look like after a rainfall? Well, in that case, the area where numerous palmy trees would have been grown will look more green and glistening. Rain water is absorbed by trees resulting in their nourishment and better growth. It also has a great impact on environment whereas on the other hand, rainfall in an industrial area would be like a disaster. Released wastage of these industries containing various harmful chemicals that are injurious to living beings would get spread widely causing a huge destruction of area as well as the health of the living beings in that area.

Let us have a look at the 5 major benefits that we may get from trees in our daily life so that we may realize the importance of trees in our life.

1.     Reduce atmospheric temperature

We all are aware of global warming today. That is how we are suffering because of tree reduction just for the sake of getting land for our own purposes. Trees cool down the atmosphere and act like a shield that filters the polluted air from the atmosphere. They absorb the harmful gases like carbon dioxide, benzene and nitrogen dioxide from air. They protect the earth from getting heat up thus protecting the earth from global warming.

Moreover, the atmosphere gets moisturized from trees that have cordial influence on our health. These trees increase humidity in the air which has great effects on our health as well. Immense benefits can be achieved from the trees during hot summer days.

2.     Source of oxygen

Besides all of the benefits, one of the major advantages that we obtain from trees is oxygen that is one of the most influential requirements of human life. What else good can a human being expect to get from these trees that the air he breaths in, is acquired from them. This make us feel about the importance of trees in our life when we come to know that our survival is actually dependent upon natural resources like trees.

Our green friends produce a lot of oxygen for us but absorb a little of it. Thus it’s more than important for every one of us to grow trees as far as it is possible.

3.     Prevention from flood

Many flood affected areas can be prevented by planting trees. These trees absorb the excessive amount of water thus reducing the height of flood in those areas. In this way, the water that could be proved destructive for those areas, become a blessing instead.
People living in the localities affected by flood most often fall a victim of various life threatening diseases. Polluted flood water is the main cause of illness in such areas.

Growing trees in such areas can be helpful in the way that trees absorb excessive amount of contaminated water as well as provide shelter to many homeless people. Becoming their temporary refuge, these trees can be helpful to the persons living in those areas in a miserable condition.

4.     Provide food

How can we ignore this major advantage we get from trees? Food; that is essential for life, trees have a huge contribution in providing food to all living beings. Along with their green shiny leaves, plenty of sweet delicious fruits of different colors are growing, enriched with nutrition to keep us healthy.

Not only human beings are benefited from the food provided by these trees, most of the animals get their food from plants and trees. Some forest animals also depend on trees and plants for their survival by eating their leaves.

5.     Reduce Pollution

The importance of trees in our life is not limited to providing us oxygen and food only. Beside other advantages, a tree acts as a natural cleanser as well. It purifies the air from various pollutants. We might have realized the warmness and pollution while passing through a busy road blocked due to heavy traffic. This is because of the numerous vehicles throwing off smoke and the factories excreting out poisonous gases, these roads get polluted tremendously. Planting trees at the edges of the roads might prove to be aiding for the persons travelling through these roads. Besides cleaning the air from injurious gases, trees are also considered to be helpful in reducing noise pollution caused due to heavy traffic on these roads. Thus having a positive impact on environment as well as the people surrounded by that environment, trees manage to bring pleasures in our lives.

Reviewing the above factors, it seems like trees are the natural donors and we, the human beings are receivers, who are not only getting food from them but also the air we are taking in every passing second. Thus appreciating the importance of trees in our life we can say that “Trees are life”, so instead of slashing them down, we should appreciate the immeasurable benefits we earn from them every day.


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