Spring! The season of green...
Seasons make us feel alive. They make us feel the diversification
in the environment that surrounds us. Certainly, our surroundings have observable
influences on our moods as well. A pleasant and calm environment is what every
person desires. These calm and placid areas are quite peaceful as they are far away
from noisy traffic areas; and are always composed of natural resources. As it
is beyond the shadow of doubt that nature has always been very gainful and friendly
to all living creatures; so it’s clear as a bell that nature filled
environments are also very stimulating and desirable for us.
Seasons change so that we may analyze that time is moving ahead
and that every day is a new day. With the change in these seasons; we find some
changes in ourselves; though good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, but we learn
and experience from these changes in our lives. With these conversions, we get
to explore the world and even the life as we go through various circumstances.
Among the seasons; spring is thought to be the season of
pleasures. Every season brings some exceptional influences with it so as spring
brings the feelings of happiness. The charismatic influence of this season on
green enclosures makes the surroundings cheerful and amiable. It feels like
spring comes to give life to these green creatures on Earth. These green
enclosures seem to wait for the spring to make them more grassy and blossoming.
Plants get embellished with their appealing and colorful flowers growing on
their tips. Fruit giving plants and trees get loaded with ripe fruits along
with their branches. It seems like spring season have come to visit these green
enclosures and glamorized them with dazzling blooming flowers and ripe fruits to
make them blissful. They disperse bewitching scents of flowers all around which
can be a source of contentment for everyone.
The green enclosures seem to be renewed in the season of
spring. The pleasant breezy weather of the spring season is very amusing for the
green creatures as they get refreshed in this season. Spring is concerned with
blooming flowers that grow and colorize the world. Their charming presence can
heal the polluted and disturbed environment. Green color is particularly the color
of nature. Thus it has a cooling influence on our eyes. We feel more relieved
and leisurely when surrounded by natural environment. As spring is a nature
enriched season, so in a way, this season is not only the source of amusement
for plants and trees but for the human beings as well. In fact; every living
being finds this season favorable and invigorating.
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